What's Happening at McLaughlin Meadows Garden

This is a place for us to write our own stories about what's happening at McLaughlin Meadows Community Garden.

If you look below you'll see a form where you can write your story and upload up to 4 photos. Just type into the box. You might want to write about

  • how great your garden is
  • ask advice about a problem you're having
  • start a conversation about an idea you have
  • ask for help with a project
  • thank someone

What happens next is a webpage is created from what you've put together. This might be edited somewhat for formatting and so on but will go up pretty much how you write it... unless of course you are an evil troll in which case it won't go up at all.

Let's see how this works!

Click this link to jump to a list of pages already made using the form. Have fun!

What's Happening at McLaughlin Meadows Community Garden

Here is a place where you can tell stories about your garden, start to organize a work bee, post pictures of problems and successes and send kudos and thank yous to people from McLaughlin Meadows Community Garden.

[ ? ]

Upload up to Four Photos to Help Tell Your Story[ ? ]


Click here to upload more images (optional)

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To receive credit as the author, enter your information below.

(first or full name)

(e.g., City, State, Country)

Submit Your Contribution

  •  submission guidelines.

(You can preview and edit on the next page)

What Others Have Posted

Click on the links below to see what's happened and happening in the garden...

Views from the Roof 2017 
Another full day of volunteer work put in. Through the combined efforts of Peter Daniel, Judy, her son, Bill and I, we were able to get the following done: …

Beetle Bob Freak Out 
Ok whoever wanted to freak me out totally got me today!! I had to look really close at this big bug before I realized he was plastic. I left Bob the big …

Click here to write your own.

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