by Daniel photos and Melissa text
May 22 View from the Roof
Another full day of volunteer work put in. Through the combined efforts of Peter Daniel, Judy, her son, Bill and I, we were able to get the following done:
- grapes and honey suckle planted along north fence
- green roof weeded, seeded and watered
- black currants planted near front entrance
- planted a cherry tree
- more raspberries planted
- a few donated herbs planted in the communal plot
- raked the perimeter around the front entrance to make it tidier
- book bungalow is painted and just needs gardener hand prints (will get those next weekend)
- picked rocks and put them in black buckets (we need an idea to use the rocks)
- discussed the game plan for art work on the shed (Judy is going to sketch a few idea)
- cleaned toolshed
Thank you for helping make our community garden a great little place. You make a difference.
Comments for View from the Roof - May 22nd Work Bee
by Daniel
Book Bungalow Paint Job
Updated pictures of the gardens front the rooftop.
Lookin good.
Looks like the kids are working on the book bungalow and painting signs.
Comments for Book Bungalows and Roof Views June 17
by Daniel
View from the Roof on July 3rd
Hello everyone,
Our gardens are looking absolutely awesome. Good for you for maintaining your plot and keeping the gardens looking beautiful.
The growing season is upon us and
some of us are even harvesting afew things. I don't know about you but,
I've been eating baby beets while I water my garden. So good.
Comments for View from the Roof July 3rd