If you currently have a garden plot at either McLaughlin Meadows or
Riverside, you have first priority to renew your plots for the upcoming garden season.
In September, an email will go out with renewal instructions and deadlines.
Gardeners wanting to renew their plot for the upcoming year, please do so by Oct 31. To renew your plot you need to complete the e-mailed application, and submit your plot fee for the season. Plots not renewed by Oct 31 will be forfeit.
Non refundable payment can be made by e-transfer, cash, or cheque. Make cheques out to the High River Garden Society. E-Tansfers can be sent to highrivergardensociety@gmail.com
The Board will set fees annually based on our year end water bills and projected maintenance costs.
Gardeners will renew for the same plot unless a change request is submitted in writing (see below). Secondary registered gardeners may assume the plot assignment if the primary gardener retires.
If you had a plot last year and want to change plots, please submit a written request to your garden manager, or contact us through the society e-mail account. Let us know where you want to move to, and what plot type you would like.
The change is subject to availability, and we will endeavor to satisfy all requests on a first come-first served basis. Changes will be confirmed by November 1.
If you have been contacted by the society and offered a plot, please be sure to read the e-mailed garden guidelines and fill in the application form promptly. Be sure to have the application and plot fee returned to the society (either electronically with e-transfer payment; or with hand written form and cheque made out to High River Garden Society) by the timeline described in the introductory e-mail....usually one week turn around.
Our water costs fluctuate dramatically from year to year based on temperature and seasonal rains (and their timing). We also price in the inevitable maintenance costs associated with the gardens infrastructure over the coming years. We have been monitoring our water usage at the meter yearly in an attempt to gauge what prospective costs will be.
We hope we can hold the line of plot fees at $50 but the facility is aging, and will start requiring replacement parts.